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Showing posts from January 6, 2013


Transmission On. NEW ALBUM FINISHED... at least, MY CONTRIBUTION. Yes, a follow-up to "Isteria" is already in the works, the concept was so good and left open spaces for imagination that I created one new hour of... oh, it's not really music, it is music for... ... for... I will be honoured to share this time the stage with a wonderful person I just respect and of which I'm a great fan of his work... one of the greatest noise-makers EVER, which will produce and cut the tongue to what I did, provoking nothing else but an increase of what this music will be... oh, well, it's, music for... ... music for... Does this matter anyway? What is important is that A NEXT ALBUM IS GONNA BE RELEASED. More news on their way... soon. In the meanwhile, feel free to buy the last double Testing Vault album "The Smile Of A Chain" sending 15 Euros to - or "Isteria...